4 Things To Do Today to Improve your Finances

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It’s a busy time for all of us, and our resolutions are fresh on our minds. But, we also have other priorities that can take up our time.  That’s why we’ve compiled a few easy ways to improve your finances today.  


Check Your Credit Score

When you’re sick, the only way to really know what’s going on in your body is to go to the doctor.  When it comes to finances, you may not be aware of a low credit score until you get a checkup.  Paying attention to this number is important because it gages your financial responsibility to lenders.  That means that if you want to get a loan or rent a home, the lender will run a credit check.  If your score is low, you could be denied.  Skip the anticipation by checking your score before you get surprised. If it’s low, make the right moves going forward to get you on track to being fiscally fit.


Put Credit Cards on Autopay

This is the easiest way to pay down your credit card debt.  Even if you only pay off the minimum balance, you’ll be paving the way to being debt free without even thinking about it.  Be sure that you know how much you can afford to pay every month to avoid overdrafting when your monthly payment is deducted from your account.  Putting your cards on autopay is quick and painless.


Download a Money Management App

Automation can create a smooth road to financial wellness.  By having all of your accounts in one, easy to access place, you can be on top of low balances, due dates, and fees.  Taking the time to download a free money management app will save you time and money.  There are dozens of great apps out there, do a bit of research and select the best one for you.  Some even offer the option of starting small investments or creating savings goals.  


Direct Deposit into Savings Account

Direct deposit is just one of the many perks of living in the 21st century.  By enrolling in this service, you never have to worry about losing a check or making a trip to the bank to deposit.  One of the ways you can grow your savings is by dedicating a portion of your paycheck to your savings account.  We recommend going through your monthly budget and figuring out how much you can realistically afford to put directly into your savings.  Once the money is in this account, don’t allow yourself to touch it.  After a while, you’ll get used to using only the money in your checking account and meanwhile, your savings will be growing without you having to lift a finger.  

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