How to Easily Keep Your Resolutions

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New Year Resolution, Credit Union Los AngelesNew Year’s resolutions can be hard to keep. After all, only 8% of people are successful in achieving their resolutions.

What’s sad about that is that most people who make resolutions actually want to make a change! There is obviously a breakdown somewhere. If only 1 in 12 people actually keep their resolutions, we’re doing something wrong.

So how can you change your odds and actually stick to your goals and achieve them?

Write down your goals and share them with someone.

It’s quite simple, and very effective, according to a recent study out of the Dominican University of California. 

The study found that writing down your goals is half the battle, but the thing that is even more effective is taking those goals and sharing them with a friend or family member to keep you accountable.

Here’s how it works…

  1. Write down your goals and share them with someone.
  2. Then, next week, write down how you are doing to accomplish those goals and share them with that same person.
  3. Keep doing this until you have reached all of your goals.

It’s so simple!

By writing down your goals, you are keeping them top of mind. By sharing them with someone, you are putting pressure on yourself to achieve those goals. And, if the person who you share these with can support and encourage you, even better.

We encourage you to write down your goals this year, and also take the next step to share them with someone who can keep you accountable.

We hope this helps you keep your resolutions this year!