Saving Money on Your Grocery Bill

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Have you been looking for ways to cut down on your shopping expenses?

One way to save money while shopping is having a plan in place when shopping for groceries. We often overlook grocery shopping as a viable option to cut down on our expenses. However, if you implement the following advice you might find some extra money in your bank account when the shopping is done.

Make a list – and stick to it!

Make the list before you leave the house and don’t deviate from the list – helps ensure you only buy what you need. Last minute “impulse buys” can really run up the total!

Plan your meals

Plan your meals and buy only the ingredients that you need to cook those meals – this makes sure that you don’t purchase food or ingredients that won’t get used and go to waste. Go through your refrigerator and pantry prior to planning your shopping list so that you know what you already have!

Consider if buying in bulk will really help you save money

Stores like Costco are popular, but will buying food in bulk help you save? If you have a large family, calculate how much you will save by buying items you use up quickly in bulk. If you are single or have a small household, buying in bulk may mean you are spending more money on too large a quantity on items than you really need.


Coupons are still around and are not just for grannies. Stores like Target now have apps you can download on your smart phone that will apply a coupon to an eligible item when you scan the barcode. Have a look at how much money you have saved when you check out, and keep track of your savings through the app!

Don’t buy your groceries when you are hungry!

This may sound pretty silly, but if you shop on an empty stomach, everything in the grocery store is going to look good!

Buy generic vs. name-brand

You can definitely save a few dollars here and there by buying the generic, or store-brand, version of items instead of the big-name-brand ones. Certain grocery stores such as Aldi only sell generic-brand items, saving you money all around!

Really keep track of your spending – allocate a set amount to spend at the grocery store, keep track of what you spend, and try to stick to your allocated amount every time you shop. This way you will know exactly how much money is coming out of your bank account each and every time you shop