Tips for Saving Money on Air Conditioning in Preparation for Summer

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It won’t be long before the temperatures rise and start hitting triple digits here in sunny Southern California. When we’re not cranking the air conditioning in our cars or basking in the cool air at our local movie theater, we most likely have our home units cranked to the max on these blazing hot days. This can get very expensive! The cool thing is that there are ways to lower your bill and save some money to build up your savings account instead of depleting your checking account!

Turn It Off

Electricity creates heat so anything electronic that is powered on will add to the overall temperature of your home. Televisions, gaming consoles and computers all produce quite a bit of heat, as do lights. During the warmest parts of the day, limiting the use of indoor lighting can keep temperatures lower. Further, switching the light bulbs in your home to lower wattage bulbs will create less heat and help keep things cool.

Embrace the Shade

The sun is the biggest creator of heat here on this planet we call home and especially here in SoCal. Shielding yourself from the rays and keeping them out of your windows, will keep your home nice and cool. Curtains are great for this, specifically, dark and thick curtains. Keeping the temperature in your home from increasing helps the air conditioning system regulate the temperature more efficiently. Window awnings, sunshades and tress can also help keep your home cool.

Get a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats make it convenient for you and your family to manage your HVAC system. Having control over more functions and an easier way to program your system make it a smart choice. Smart thermostats require a little bit of low voltage wiring to install, but with some basic knowledge, or help from a professional, it’s a fairly easy installation.

Be a Fan of Fans

If you have a part of your home that is relatively well shaded from the sun, and its not too scorching hot outside, you could possibly live comfortably with some open windows and fans. The trick is to create an air current bringing in cool air from a shaded area and having the air pass it’s way out another side of the room or house. Try box fans for windows and an osculating fan to blow cool fresh air to other areas of the house. Accompany this with a cold towel, a cold drink and some comfortable light clothing, you’ll be chillin’ comfortably.

Do a Cannonball

If it’s super sunny and hot out, find a pool to dive into! Most apartment communities in sunny southern California have pools. There might be one at the park down the street, or maybe it’s time to make friends with the neighbors. While you’re at the pool, you’re not at home so your air conditioner doesn’t need to be cranked to the max. Set it to 85 degrees or 80 if you have pets while you’re away and then turn it to a comfortable level when you get back. It shouldn’t take too long for your home to cool back down. And also, if you kept your house nice and shaded while you were away, the sun won’t wreak too much havoc on your sanctuary.