Winter Activities On A Budget

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It is no secret that the months following the holiday season can be difficult if you are on a budget. Holiday parties, gift exchanges and potlucks can quickly add up and take a toll on your savings account. Seeing your balance disappear before your eyes is no fun! But sitting at home on the weekends all winter long isn’t fun either.

There are countless inexpensive winter activities you can participate in while steadily rebuilding your bank accounts after the holidays.

  1. Experiment with cooking. There are probably so many recipes you have been meaning to try but never had the time. January and February are the perfect months to put your apron on and cook new dishes for family and friends. Make a list of all of the ingredients you need and save leftovers for meals the next day!
  2. Have a movie night. Invite friends and family for a movie night and bring out the oldies (Breakfast Club anyone?). For a fun twist ask everyone to bring over their favorite warm drink, like tea, to share with the group.
  3. Just because the holidays are over doesn’t mean there are not opportunities to go out and lend a helping hand. This is a free activity that is very rewarding and will brighten your mood. Research local organizations that are searching for volunteers.
  4. Start a book club. Remember good ole fashion books? Get a few friends to commit to reading one book a month. Plan a date to meet up at a coffee shop or at someone’s home and discuss what you learned. A fun tip: start with the classics that are sometimes long forgotten, like John Steinbeck, George Orwell and Ray Bradbury.
  5. Get outside. There are so many inexpensive outdoor activities like hiking and going for a stroll in the park. If it’s too cold outside try watching yoga videos online and following along.

Being on a budget does not necessarily mean you have to become a homebody during the winter months. Splurge on yourself in inexpensive ways, like giving yourself a pedicure at home or using day old fruit to make an awesomely healthy smoothie. You can save your money so when the flowers start to bloom you can plan a sweet getaway!

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